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Housing Support & Housing Stabilization

Housing Support:

Landlords looking to rent to someone who has a history of homelessness can become a Housing Support (formerly known as Group Residential Housing) site. 

For more information about how to begin this process, email Ramsey County's Housing Support Supervisor, Jennifer McConnell


Housing Stabilization Services:

A new Medicaid benefit available as of July 20, 2020 to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing. Goals of Housing Stabilization Services (HSS): support an individual's transition to housing; increase long-term stability in houisng; and avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization. HSS funds transition (helps people plan for, find and move into housing) services and sustaining (supports a person to maintain living in their home) services. To be eligible for services, a medical assistance recipient who is 18 years old or older and has a disability or disabling condition, houisng instability, and need for services due to limitations caused by the individual's disability. 

To access services: Individuals must have a MNChoice Assessment completed or contact a qualified professional to complete the PSN (Professional Statement of Need) form: