Families Seeking Emergency Shelter:
Shelter space is reserved for Ramsey County families with minor children. To determine eligibility, call the United Way at 651-291-0211 for a pre-screen. If a family is currently unsheltered, you can also call Ramsey County's Homeless Services Team directly during business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 5:15pm) at 651-266-7818.
Space for families experiencing homelessness in emergency shelter is limited and beds are not immediately available. Completing an intake with Ramsey County shelter staff is the only way to be placed on the shelter waitlist. Intakes are completed over the phone.
For those experiencing domestic violence, Day One Services may be able to help find a safe place for families fleeing abuse. Call Day One Services at 1-866-223-1111.
Seeking Coordinated Entry (housing assessment):
Families who are sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (streets, car, camping, public transit, etc.) or staying at a domestic violence shelter and are only looking for supportive housing (not shelter) can call Catholic Charities at 651-215-2262 for a housing assessment.